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Terramortar: Epoxy Setting Materials

Terramortar is a two-component, 100 percent epoxy-based setting material designed for seamless integration with terrazzo panels. It comes in a pre-blended 3-1/2 gallon unit, with a separate catalyst included. This setting material shares the same epoxy composition as the terrazzo panel itself, ensuring a robust mechanical bond between the panel and the setting material.

Features of Terramortar Epoxy Setting Materials:

Composition: 100% epoxy material for superior strength and durability.
Versatility: Adheres to various substrates such as wood, porcelain, and concrete when properly prepared.
Application: Recommended ½" notch trowel application accommodates substrate inconsistencies.

Benefits of Using Epoxy Setting Materials:

Strength and Bonding: Ensures a strong mechanical bond due to its identical composition to the terrazzo panel.
Versatile Adhesion: Bonds effectively to diverse substrates with proper preparation.
Application Flexibility: ½" notch trowel application allows for accommodating substrate irregularities.


Get in Touch with a TERRALITE® Representative.

Angelozzi Precast Terrazzo Products, LLC. offers complete line of products and services to the Terrazzo industry.

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